Wednesday, September 24, 2008

There is goodness in every person

Remember I went shopping? When I was satisfied with my purchase I headed back, reaching the quarters just before dark. My two housemates were already busy heating up their respective dinner. After my housemates had finished with their routine for the day, we gathered at the living room for a discussion regarding payment of utility bills, etc. There were no particular rules in the quarters; so living there and getting along shouldn’t be much of a problem especially since I’d be on my own during weekends as both my housemates would be back home. I guess most of us never really have our ‘umbilical cord cut’! So, at every chance that we get, we will always run home to our parents.

My housemate, the afternoon session laboratory attendant, was a real nice lady. She was the one who swept the common living area in the quarters every morning, washed the toilet and wash basin and whenever taps run dry, she stayed up to help collect and store water for me. Her reasoning was, since I teach in the morning and the water trickles in only after mid-night, I cannot be expected to stay up to collect water. What a thoughtful lady and it wasn’t an easy task for her as she had to look after her toddler daughter besides having to cook and clean before going to work in the afternoon. She was one in a million. How many of us will be willing to do such a thing? Nowadays, I see people being very good with their calculator and if their calculation doesn’t show anything auspicious being directed their way, don’t ever expect to see an extension of helping hands.

My housemates also suggested that I try asking the occupants staying in the other quarters to see if I could join them for meals since they shared cooking. Of course I seeked them out at the first opportunity and they were more than willing; provided there was no objection from the main occupant whom everyone referred to only in an undertone. Of course that made me apprehensive but one could not ignore matters of the stomach so like it or not, I have to approach her. She must have liked the looks of me since I’m not one noted for having the gift of the gap. She was willing to include me for meals as long as I wasn’t fussy about my food. Oh, rice glorious rice, how could I possibly make a fuss when I was going to be able to have rice for lunch and dinner instead of cream crackers with milk or instant mee!

For all her shortcomings, that teacher does have a good heart as she not only agreed to let me join them for meals but knowing that I’m on my own during weekends, she always remembered me whenever she organised any activities for her uniform group and never failed to send me an invitation to join them. On Saturday mornings she would also invite me to go to Serian bazaar with her.

I believe there is goodness in every person but sad to say, we humans only want to highlight a person’s fault and we will always let it blurr our vision. But, which human doesn’t have any faults. No one is perfect, right? So why don’t we highlight the goodness in each and everyone instead!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I was reminded recently that I have not updated my blog. Well, it’s not that I’ve forgotten but you know; teachers are busy bees and more so at this time of the year. Some people may find it hard to believe and I’ve even been told many times before by those not in the profession that teachers are so lucky as they work only half-day and they have so many holidays. All I can say about these people is that they’re only human and which human doesn’t see the lawn in the neighbour’s yard as being greener! Anyway, I’m finally able to spare some time this week.

If you remember, I’ve already checked into my living quarters and after unpacking, I went to town to get some supplies and necessities especially a basin for storing water. There was no supermarket in Serian in those days so I went to a sundry shop to buy my stuff. Since there was no possibility of me cooking during school days, I bought two weeks supply of instant mee and the forever popular cream crackers plus a tin of milk powder. I intended to alternate between the instant mee and biscuits for my lunch and dinner; since taking a balance meal wasn’t an option.

One good thing about a small town then was that people were willing to deliver your purchases and at no extra charge. I just can’t imagine having to carry all my purchases back and on foot! The shopkeeper was definitely very kind to provide free delivery service. But times have changed and if you’re looking for anything f.o.c. (free of charge) these days, I’ll say it’s like looking for the Lochness monster!

People are getting more materialistic these days and everything is money now. The more they have the more they want and I’ve also been told before that no one ever complain of having too much money. Have you???