Friday, July 4, 2008

Only a degree in Science!

The aeroplane landed safely and great, there was an officer from the education department to meet us at the airport.
Six fresh graduates with a degree in Science, majoring in Biology and Mathematics were told to report to Kolej Abdillah that day and I was one of them. I feel lucky to be posted to a school in 1st Division; who knows what’s in store for those who have to travel beyond! Well like they say, some people are born luckier than others!!!
Two taxis dropped us at the school. Lugging our bags, we found the office where only a lady teacher (if I remember correctly, she was the senior assistant) was around since school has ended for the day and it was lunch time.
I don’t remember who was more shock, the senior assistant or the six of us. You see, she just cannot possibly accept all six teachers with the same option. After some deliberation, she decided to accept only two and I was not that lucky this time. One of us seek permission to use the school phone to contact the posting officer (hand-phone was non existence then) who instructed us to get back to the other side of the river and from there to proceed to Kuching Plaza where he will meet up with us later.
Now having no posting was not so major a problem at the moment, the immediate problem faced was how to get back to the other side of the river; the taxi drivers who sent us sure didn’t hang around. Enquiries from us were given the following response: very sorry, school has ended and there’s no one from whom we can hitch a ride and upon checking the time, the lady teacher told us we’ll have to wait for hours if we’re to take the bus and bus service is very unreliable; so the best option is for us to take the sampan across.
After getting directions, we made our way to the river bank to take our 1st sampan ride across the famous Sarawak river. Hey, 1st sampan ride, isn’t that exciting!
Being in the same league, that is, away from home, no posting and armed with a degree in Science majoring in the same subjects; we are going to stick together through thick and thin and you bet we’re sticking together in the same sampan. With the assistance of the boat man, we hopped onto the sampan with our luggage and as we gathered to sit together on the same side we almost overturned the sampan! Talk about being united we stand, did we miss something here! I think the boat man really got a fright of his life that day.
We cannot really be blamed for almost overturning the sampan, right? After all we only have a degree in Science, majoring in Biology and Mathematics not Physics mind you and they sure didn’t teach us anything about common sense in the university. We’re too smart for that!

1 comment:

Hj Rambli Zainudin said...

Tahniah, you start the ball rolling. Unlucky you, ada yang perlu meredah sungai dan hutan, denai dan gunung - kumpulan ini sudah tentu banyak yang boleh dikenang balik. Saya juga unlucky kerana my first posting was ini Balai Ringin. I used to call it Balai Dingin, which sound better I supposed.