Sunday, July 6, 2008

We sat, we stood, we walked and we played cat and mouse.

Finally reached the other side of the river safely. Now, our immediate mission was to look for Kuching Plaza. Who can we approach for direction, after all we’ve been taught never to talk to strangers! Scouting around, we noticed a visitors’ information office tug in a corner and without hesitation we made a beeline there. With the direction obtained from the officer on duty, we headed for the designated place.

No sweat, as we managed to find the place easily. We only realised we were famished upon arriving (it was way past lunch time) and without a minute to waste, the guy (real gentleman) went in to buy food for everyone while the rest of us waited in front of the main entrance. The reason for this is, we wanted to be clearly visible to the posting officer when he arrives. No way is he going to miss us!

We gobbled down our burger in no time. Then we sat, we stood, we walked along the steps and we sat, we stood, we walked along the steps (not necessarily in the order stated) for what seemed like an eternity. Can never explain why when we wait for someone, the waiting time always seem to be like forever. Getting worried, one of us went inside to make a call to the officer and came back with the message that we should stay put and he will be with us as soon as he has settled some matters at the office. Well, back to: we sat, we stood, we walked along the steps until we couldn’t believe our eyes when the officer finally showed.

The officer didn’t come with good tidings though. Since he has not had sufficient time to study our predicament and it being quite late, he told us to hop into his car and he will send us to the Rest House where those posted to other divisions were put up for the night before they continue their journey the next day. There’s a catch, however. No booking has been made for us to stay there for the night so we have to sneak in and squat with those who have been officially registered for the night.

Luckily for me, I have a friend posted to 2nd Division and she’s staying at the rest house that night. (In those days, there was only one express bus to 2nd Division and it leaves early morning). Naturally, I squatted with her but putting up as an unofficial guest meant we had to play cat and mouse with the caretaker and playing mouse was no fun. I had to make sure I’m as quiet as a mouse in the room and when I needed to go to the bathroom or answer nature’s call (there was no attached bathroom), my friend had to make sure the coast is clear before I make a quick dash to and fro. Thank goodness I only had to play mouse for just one night. Life as a mouse must be real stressful especially when there’s a cat lurking along the corridor!

We went to bed early as that was the best way to stay quiet and it had been a long day! Anyway, I’m thankful and grateful to my friend for her stake-out and also her willingness to share not only her single bed with me but her milo and biscuits which were our dinner that night! (Remember, never travel without packing any biscuits as you never know when or where you might need it to survive!).


Unknown said...

I forgot to save the link to lilian chan's blog in your laptop. she's a penang blogger. quite fun to read.

Gladdy Peter said...

I know a mouse whose doesn't fear any cats.... am using it now.
OOOps i felt the pinch. Fellow officers, we ain't that "bad" eh? Lets take it, bitter it may be, the pill is real! A very expressive one you wrote there. You should chip in some #%*% words to make it more spicy! Congrats!